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Generally speaking, this refers to oral translation. However, it calls for training, talents and skills that go beyond those required for general translation.

Interpreters who work for Norak undergo a rigorous selection process to form an excellent team of specialised interpreters with a perfect command of the cultural context of the languages involved


There are different types of interpreting, and each situation requires a different approach. Norak advises clients to help them choose the most suitable interpreter in each case, always with the Norak quality assurance.

Simultaneous Interpretation
Simultaneous interpretation is commonly used at international conferences, congresses, presentations, diplomatic events, etc.
The interpreter listens to the speaker and translates in real-time, usually in a specially-equipped booth, from which the translation is broadcast to listeners and attendees who hear the speaker’s message within seconds.

Consecutive Interpretation
In this approach, the interpreter listens to the speaker and waits for a pause, then translates what has been said for listeners. This type of interpreting is commonly used at press conferences, product presentations, interviews and negotiations.

Liaison (or link) interpreting
This is similar to consecutive interpreting, but the interpreter works in both directions, translating brief statements made by one speaker into the other’s language, and vice versa. The interpreter is fluent in both languages to ensure smooth communication. This type of interpreting is recommended for business meetings, company visits, etc.

Whispering interpretation (or Chuchotage)
This is a variant where the interpreter sits next to the listener while simultaneously whispering the interpretation of the speech. Whispering interpretation is used in situations where most members of the group speak the original language and only a small number do not. It is generally used at conferences, meetings, visits, etc.

Sworn Interpreting
This is a type of official interpretation which is used when what the person whose speech is being translated is expressing must have legal validity in the target language. Examples of this include statements made to the police or in court.


